Hanover Middle School News & Announcements

Hanover Middle School Fall Social Pick Up/Drop Off Procedures 9/22/23

The weather is cooperating and we are excited for the socials today! 

Hanover PTA One-Time Donation 9/22/23

The Hanover PTA's One-Time Donation Campaign is in full swing and it couldn’t be easier to make a donation! Thank you to all families who... more ››

Hanover Middle School Health Information Night 9/21/23

Every student in every grade will receive 20 health lessons this year. For one term, each student will have two consecutive health... more ››

Hanover Middle School Guidance Department Information 9/20/23

Welcome to Hanover Middle School! We wanted to take a moment to introduce ourselves to you. Each student at HMS is assigned to a guidance... more ››

Hanover Middle School News and Updates 9/15/23

It has been a great start to the year! Thank you to all of our students, families, and staff.  

Hanover Middle School Next Week! 9/15/23

Please see below for events at HMS Next Week, September 18, 2023, and Hawk Award Program information.

Hanover Middle School Update 9/13/23

We are writing to inform you that at 9:30 am this morning, a fire alarm sounded. All students and staff evacuated safely and responsibly.  ... more ››

Hanover Middle School Social VIP Passes and Ticket Information 9/12/23

The VIP passes (possibly bracelets) and ticket sales will be held from Monday, September 18th through Friday, September 22nd during school... more ››

Hanover Middle School PTA Information and Volunteer Opportunities 9/12/23

Hello Hanover Middle School families and welcome back to school!

Hanover Middle School Next Week! 9/8/23

Great first week back at Hanover Middle School! Please see below for events happening for the week of September 11, 2023.

Hanover Middle School Opening Day 9/4/23

As I am writing this correspondence, sitting in the eerily silent main lobby, I find myself envisioning the excitement and noise of our... more ››

Hanover Middle School Grade 5 Parent/Guardian Meeting Reminder 8/29/23

The Hanover Middle School administration and staff are excited to welcome our new 5th grade students and their families to Hanover Middle... more ››

Hanover Middle School Incoming Grade 5 Parent/Guardian and Student Meeting 8/24/23

The Hanover Middle School administration and staff are excited to welcome our new 5th graders and their families to Hanover Middle School. ... more ››

Hanover Middle School Homeroom Placements 8/17/23

I hope that all of our Hanover Middle School families are enjoying this wonderful summer, but I am more than excited to see all of our 6th... more ››

Hanover Middle School Instrumental Music Sign-up 8/14/23

Students can learn to play an instrument at Hanover Middle School and then be part of the band! Learning to play an instrument is a... more ››

Hanover Middle School News and Summer Updates 8/11/23

It is hard to believe that we are just a few short weeks away from our amazing students entering the doors of Hanover Middle School. ... more ››

Hanover Middle School Instrumental Music for Incoming Fifth Grade Students 6/20/23

You can learn to play an instrument at Hanover Middle School! Playing an instrument is a wonderful way to make new friends, build technical... more ››

Hanover Middle School Grade 6 Camp Squanto Update 6/14/23

Happy Day 3! We had beautiful weather yesterday. Your students had their first day of morning rotations getting to Paint the Pond, partake... more ››

Hanover Middle School Grade 6 Camp Squanto Update 6/13/23

We had a great first day at camp! The kids settled into their campsites and participated in fun afternoon activities earning “oobas” for... more ››

Hanover Middle School Grade 8 Dance and Promotion Ceremony 6/13/23

It is hard to believe that our 8th grade student's middle school career is ending. I would like to start by saying how impressed I was with... more ››
